Child Find

Each state is required by Federal and State law to find all children with disabilities ages birth to 22 and  provide educational services in the public schools for ages 3-22 for any child identified as disabled under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA).  The child find in the public schools includes children enrolled in the Dickson County Schools grades preschool through twelfth, children who are homeschooled and live in the Dickson County Schools zone, those who attend a private school in Dickson County, or are homeless.

If you know of a child that may need special services call the Special Education Department at 615-446-2085, or contact the principal of a school in your area.  Anyone can refer a child. 

Special Education Destruction of Records Notice

In accordance with the state and federal regulations implementing the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), this is to inform you of Dickson County Schools intent to destroy personally identifiable information related to special education records maintained for students who were evaluated and/or served for special education services while attending Dickson County Schools, but who are no longer enrolled. Records will be held through the individual’s age of 25. The destruction will occur after the individual’s 26th birthday.

If you wish to maintain this information for your personal records, you must notify Dickson County Schools, Special Education Department upon receipt of this notice; otherwise, the information will be destroyed June 30th of every year.